
We support you to people with an intellectual disability and/or autism closer to the labour market

Where will you go?

Ability@Work is a dedicated supported employment service which aims to bring young people with an intellectual disability and/or autism closer to the labour market.

This project is co funded by the Government of Ireland, through the Department of Social Protection, and the European Union.

Ability@Work Tagline

For Employers:

What are the benefits of employing someone through Ability@Work?

  • It enables companies to show positive leadership in their communities, by promoting inclusive workplaces
  • Employers gain a greater insight and understanding around disability
  • Employment can change a person’s life chances
  • You can avail of Disability Awareness Training for your staff
  • You can access a range of employment supports and incentives
  • You will receive on –going support and monitoring from the Ability team

For Job Seekers:

What can Ability@Work do for you?

  • Ability@Work connects you with local employers and job opportunities
  • We can assist you to become work ready and find a paid job

How does it work?

  • A Job Coach will meet with both the job seeker and employer
  • A Job Analysis will be completed
  • A Job Match will be provided
  • The Job Coach is available to provide expertise and guidance to the employer and the job seeker throughout


  • Career guidance and planning
  • Vocational profiling
  • Job search support and advice
  • Job clubs
  • Up skilling & training
  • Interview techniques
  • Work behaviour training
  • Communications
  • Job Coach support
  • Job matching
  • Assistance integrating into the workplace
  • Information on rights, entitlements, contracts and benefits

Get in touch

Marian Hennessey
Ability@Work Co-Ordinator
Phone: 021-4552557

  • "I find reading and writing challenging. In 2023, I received a C-Pen and it changed my life for the better! The device reads text and translates it into spoken words."

    Troy, person supported by Horizons
  • "I live independently. I love living on my own, I am taking control of my life by developing my own independent living skills, routine and habits."

  • I love living on my own, it’s peaceful and I am calm….I am happy. I get my dinners delivered and I sometimes go to the chipper for my supper.

  • During lockdown I got to know my area very well. I go to my local shops for milk, bread and stuff and I go for walks every day.

  • "I have an ‘Alexa’ and I tell it to play music, 96fm, and I also receive video calls which I enjoy.
    I love my life now, going out walking, doing my own washing."

  • "I live in the community and I love it. I was a small bit nervous about the move but talking to staff and listening to my music really helped."

  • "I was lucky enough to go to Disneyland with my Community Hub and all my friends. It was one of the best trips ever.”

  • "The courage to speak up for yourself is one of the most important superpowers you can have.”

    Daragh Forde, Advocacy Officer
  • "Through our partnership we are delighted to support through fundraising efforts, employment, placement opportunities and initiatives such as our sensory garden project."

    Kathleen Linehan, Strategic Director of Human Resources, Trigon Hotels
  • "My main aim is to ensure people achieve their goals, highlight their choices and make sure their voices are heard.”

    Pamela Twomey, Care Assistant


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